


Way to the Most Holy Trinity

My Love, do not let anybody or anything distract you or derail you or in any way diminish your Love and your attachment to the Two Hearts of Love and the Most Holy Trinity. The Two Hearts of Love is the only way to the Most Holy Trinity. Union with the Two Hearts of Love is the only way the Most Holy Trinity is fully revealed to man and is the only way the Most Holy Trinity has chosen and established as the way of union with the Most Holy Trinity. The way of the Two Hearts of Love is the way of the Most Holy Trinity. The Truth of the Two Hearts of Love is the Truth of the Most Holy Trinity. The Life of the Two Hearts of Love is the Life of the Most Holy Trinity.

My Love, do not be afraid or ashamed to live and teach and lead all in this way, truth and life of the Two Hearts of Love which is immediately and completely in the way the truth and the Life of the Most Holy Trinity. That was why I, Jesus, said that no one comes to the Father except through Me. And no one comes to Me except the Father draws him. The Most Holy Trinity chose the way of Mary the way of the Union of the Two Hearts to be the Way of the revelation of the infinite and eternal Mystery of the Most Holy Trinity. My incarnation is the Way. I did not just pass through Mary, I took up all I have as man from her. I took on Mary. I am one with her for our Hearts, our inmost being – our persons, are ever united in Love – the Love of the Most Holy Trinity. Love is taking on - taking up - taking to the form and nature and being of the other, of the Loved and communicating sharing giving your being - your inmost - your person with and to the beloved. Love is union in the inmost being, in the Heart, in the Person. That what Love is in the Most Holy Trinity. That is what Love is in the Two Hearts of Love. That is what Love is in you. That is what Love is in the Church. That is what Love is in the Eucharist. That is what salvation means. Salvation means uniting. Only what is united with Me, Jesus Christ, is saved. That is what Love is, union of being, union of hearts in Love. That is why God created man in His image and likeness and man became Love. The vocation, the being, the origin and the end and fulfilment of Man is Love, is in God. There can be no other origin or end or fulfilment of Man than in God in Love.

My Love, My son, please, help man, save man, restore man. Win man back and unite Man with His origin, vocation, being, end and fulfilment in Love – in the Love of God. Please. My Love, love God and love Man and bring Man to the Love of God, which is what Man really is. Please love God and pity man and love man and bring man to the Love of God. Help man to know himself, love himself, love God. Man’s only origin, being, vocation, end and fulfilment is Love – Love of God. Only in God is man Man. Only in God’s Love is Man fulfilled. Please help Man help souls save souls save Man and bring him to the Pure and Holy Love – in God Love of Man and Love of God. Help man to be what he really is Love – in the Love of God. Unite all hearts ‘all loves’, all blood, all love in the One Love of God in and through and with and in union with the Two Wounded and Bleeding Hearts of Love – all to the Glorious union with the Most Holy Trinity of Love. You are Love of Man and Love of God. You are Love in the Most Holy Trinity of Love. Love! Love!! Love!!!      

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