I, Joseph, with all the saints in Heaven and on earth, we are on your side. We are fighting the battle. The battle is fought and won - is being fought. Do not be afraid of anybody or anything. The uncountable number of Saints are with you everywhere you are. Remain united to the Father, remain united to the Son, remain united to the Holy Spirit. DO NOT BE AFRAID to go anywhere. Do not be afraid to give testimony to My Love – give testimony for this Love.
It is only the Love of God that exists. I call it My Love. The Hearts of Love is my special charge. The Hearts of Love is my special work forever.
God chose me to be the protector of the Hearts of Love, always, forever, until all is Love, until all is restored to the Hearts of Love. I with all the saints in heaven we are with you. I, and all the saints, we love you, we love you, we love you, we honour you. We honour you! We honour you the Heart of Love, Love of GOD. The most important work in history in this age, the most important work at this time, the most attacked from all sides. Prepare all the members let them not be afraid. No matter how they are attacked, all of them are protected. All of them are protected.
As long as they remain constant in saying the prayers of the Hearts of Love and doing the work of Love, they are all protected. The battle is on. The battle is won. It is won! Victory! Victory! Victory! The Hearts of Love reigns, the Hearts of Love reigns, the Hearts of Love will always reign, the Hearts of Love will always reign. God bless you.