I, God the Holy Spirit! The Spirit of Love! The Spirit of the Father and of the Son! I am in you. You are in Me. I love you, My Love. You are My Love. I am the Spirit of Love. It is My Work to make Love in every heart and everywhere grow. I am the source of Love. I am the God of Love. I am the Spirit of Love. You are My Love. You are deep in Me and I in you. I love you. You are ever united with Me. You come from Me. And you come back to Me.
You are in the world. We sent you into the world to be a concrete personification of our Love this time. Love all with My Love. Win all with our Love. Bring all to our love. Let all experience that we are Love, that I am Love. I am Love. I love you My Love. I love you My Love with all the Love that I am. I am completely in you and you are completely in Me. Love Me with all that you are, with all that you have. Do not be afraid of anybody in any situation. I am with you. I will strengthen you. I will comfort You. I will teach you. I will lead you. I will inspire you at the moment. Go the way of My Love. Give all you have and are for this work of Love. The most important work at this time and for ever.
I am the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Love. I guide the whole course of creation. I guide the whole course of things everywhere. All is in My hand. I direct and inspire, I pull down and I build up. I am the Spirit, the Power of God, the Spirit of God, the Power of God. I am in you. I am I am I am in You. You are mine, I am yours everywhere and every time listen to Me.
Call Me the Spirit of Love. I am there. Call Me Holy Spirit of Love and I will act. Call Me Holy Spirit of Love and I will establish the Love everywhere and every time. When it appears to be most impossible call Me, Holy Spirit of Love, I am specially given to you this time to be with you to see that you succeed in your work. I am God's Power. I am God's Love. I am with you. Your work will succeed. Your work has succeeded. Your work is My work, your work is work of the Father. Your work is work of the Son.
Your work is My work. Your work will succeed. I bless you! Amen. I am with you. Do not be afraid of anybody any time. Only trust in Me. I am with you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. You are entrusted to Me. I will inspire you. I will lead you. Success! Glory! Triumph! The reign of Love is there! The time is there, today and forever.