Fahter Montfort to Father Love
There, heaven is touching the earth and earth is touching heaven, so that there will be peace among us.
Do you know, the place where heaven and earth are touching?
It is on Holy Mountain/Ugwu-Nso, in Orlu, Nigeria.
Holy Mountain is the place where God is being venerated befittingly, through permanent eucharistic adoration and by celebrating Holy Masses in connection with the Prayer of the Two Hearts of Love of Jesus and Mary.
The Holy Mountain is the place of salvation of all souls.
It is in this place that Jesus revealed Himself to Father Montfort Okaa one day, when Father was still a small boy. Jesus was hanging on the cross and was bleeding profusely from the wounds that were covering His body. This small boy tried to console Jesus, but Jesus said to him: „My son, you alone will not be able to console me." Some time later, the Lord Jesus Christ revealed to him that the solution for the salvation of all souls, of the church and of the whole world, is the union with the Two Wounded and Bleeding Hearts of Love of Jesus and Mary. And the Lord taught him the Prayer of the Two Hearts of Love.
As a result of all this, Father Montfort has been exclusively focused on doing the will of God since his childhood days. Having spent many years in Germany and having done many missionary journeys across the whole world, he is now at Holy Mountain in order to build it up and develop the structures, so that Holy Mountain/Ugwu-Nso will become what it should be, namely, heaven on earth – God’s Throne here on Earth, a place of prayers, sacrifices, Holy Masses and adoration. It has been quite a span of time now, that Father Montfort has been living on the Holy Eucharist only.
The Congregation of the Two Hearts of Love of Jesus and Mary, together with Father Montfort, are living on the Holy Moutain in rather poor and modest circumstances.
The Congregation is in need of financial support, to be able to continue to build and construct and set up the proper structures on the Holy Mountain. They are grateful for any amount of money.
Prayer intentions and Mass intentions are heartfully accepted here.
Donation accounts:
Holy Mountain: PAX Bank IBAN DE 51 3706 0193 2007 0840 16 BIC GENODED 1 PAX
Mess-Intentionen: PAX Bank IBAN DE 29 3706 0193 2007 0840 24 BIC GENODED 1 PAX
“It is possible to save all souls,” the Lord Jesus Christ said to Fr. Montfort SHL
When Monfort was a little boy Jesus showed him His wounded Heart. It had lost all blood and turned pale. Bitterly weeping Jesus said: “See this Heart that loves mankind so much but is not loved… If you can make this Heart turn red again… the Reign of God’s Love will be established.” “How can I make Your Heart turn red again?” Immediately the Two Hearts of Love appeared – the Heart of Jesus with the Heart of Mary. Jesus said: “This is the only solution: unite with the Two Wounded and Bleeding Hearts.”
Montfort wondered how one could unite with the Divine and the Immaculate Heart. So Jesus taught him the Prayer of the Two Hearts of Love and asked him to teach others, and bring all to His Love.
Jesus warned him: “so many people roam about without knowing Me, loving Me and coming to Me andtherefore being lost… I sent you into this world just for this reason, to love and live and pray and preach this… Union of Hearts of Love.” “Tell everybody… all should consecrate themselves… to the Two wounded and bleeding Hearts. Remember what happened in the days of Noah… only those who entered the Ark were saved. But all who entered the Ark were saved.”
Rev. Fr. Montfort Chukwuemeka Okanwikpo Okaa, born on the solemnity of Immaculate Conception, 1957, in Orlu, Nigeria, was ordained catholic priest on 17th July 1983.