Jesus! Mary! I love You.
Be appeased! Save all souls. Amen.
( 10 times as rosary)
O! Hearts of Love!
O! Hearts ever united in Love!
Make me to love You always and help me
to make others to love You.
Take my poor sinful heart to Thyself
and do not give it back to me,
until it becomes a flaming fire of Your Love.
I know that I am unworthy to come to You,
but take me to Thyself
and cleanse me by the flames of Your Love.
Take me to Thyself and use me as it
pleases You, for I am entirely Yours. Amen.
O! Pure Love! O! Holy Love!
Pierce me with Your arrows and send my blood
flowing into the wounds of the Immaculate Heart.
O! Immaculate Heart!
Unite with the Sacred Heart
to give life, to comfort,
to glorify and to love. Amen.
O! Jesus! O! Mary!
You are the Hearts of Love!
I love You! Consume me!
I am your victim of Love! Amen.
O! Hearts of Love! Consume me!
I am your victim of Love!
Jesus: “…My son, I asked you to teach all to say the prayer especially at 12, 4, 6, at communion, Holy Mass, Holy Hour, vigil. Let it be kept…“
Owerri (Nigeria), 15 Nov. 1987 Vicarius Generalis, Msgr. V.A. Chikwe